
  • 1.Compare and contrast MacKinnon’s theory of sexual desire with Hakim’s. So, fir

    1.Compare and contrast MacKinnon’s theory of sexual desire with Hakim’s. So, fir 1.Compare and contrast MacKinnon’s theory of sexual desire with Hakim’s. So, first explain each theorist’s conception of sexual desire individually and then compare and contrast them. 2.Apply Judith Butler’s concept of performativity and Green’s concept of the “performative interval” and “performative failure” to…

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  • Answer the following questions (6-10 sentences). Make sure the answers are well-

    Answer the following questions (6-10 sentences). Make sure the answers are well- Answer the following questions (6-10 sentences). Make sure the answers are well-written, well-argued, and contain evidence to support claims from the text material: White Collar Crime 3rd edition Questions: 1. Why has the criminal justice system struggled to deal with white-collar crime? Your…

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  • 1. Read the article, “In Defense of Teasing.”Download “In Defense of Teasing.” 2

    1. Read the article, “In Defense of Teasing.”Download “In Defense of Teasing.” 2 1. Read the article, “In Defense of Teasing.”Download “In Defense of Teasing.” 2. Write a paper applying the following theories/concepts to examples in the article: -Functionalist theoretical perspective -Conflict theoretical perspective -Symbolic Interactionist theoretical perspective -Two (2) sociological concepts (terms in bold…

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  • You may select a neighborhood that is economically disadvantaged (low-income), m

    You may select a neighborhood that is economically disadvantaged (low-income), m You may select a neighborhood that is economically disadvantaged (low-income), middle income, or more affluent (high-income), or you could compare two neighborhoods. In your submission-Let me know which city/neighborhood you will be conducting field work in and which areas of inequalities you will focus…

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  • This assignment is a reflection memo over W.E.B Du Bois material/ reading. It in

    This assignment is a reflection memo over W.E.B Du Bois material/ reading. It in This assignment is a reflection memo over W.E.B Du Bois material/ reading. It incorporates reading with Angela Davis. Referencing relevant Du Bois writings and the interview with Angela Davis, “Ferguson Reminds Us of the Importance of a Global Context,” explain how…

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  • Decide on your research question. Many researchers start with nothing specific

    Decide on your research question. Many researchers start with nothing specific Decide on your research question. Many researchers start with nothing specific in mind (inductive reasoning) or with a very specific idea in mind (deductive reasoning). You could think about looking for signs of racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, or body shaming, or body positivity,…

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