Articulated Final Project(Benchmark Assignment: See note below regarding
Articulated Final Project(Benchmark Assignment: See note below regarding
Benchmark Assignments):
This assignment is broken into several components in order for students to receive
feedback from the adjunct professor. The preliminary components will be submitted
through Canvas in order to receive feedback. However, the final project will be compiled
into a comprehensive document and be submitted through Canvas for grading purposes.
As a culminating project, each candidate will complete a four-part project spread across
the last four weeks of the course that consists of:
● Informed Consent Documentation: Each candidate will meet with the school’s
administration to explain the Final Project and to acquire consent to complete the
project. The candidate will gather consent document signatures of the building
administrator and depending upon specific school district policy, gather informed
consent signatures from parents/guardians of the students to be observed.
● Part 1: Written description of the educational environment and context. Each
candidate will also gather information regarding the educational environment and
educational context of the identified student and school.
● Part 2: Introduction of Student (subject) and Assessment Description, Assessment
Administration, Student Observation Report Results. Each candidate will collect
demographic information regarding their identified student including: personal,
demographic, academic history and other pertinent information. The candidate will take
notes, and create a written Field Observation Report detailing his/her direct observations.
●Part 3: Discussion and Analysis. Each candidate will describe his/her selected
assessment tool(s) and include a rationale for its selection. A detailed description of the
administration of the assessment process, which is a critical part of this requirement,
will also be included. Assessment results will be reported in a table format only for this
part of the final project.
● Part 4: Instructional Recommendations and Sample Lesson. Each candidate will discuss
the results of the assessment(s) and make detailed instructional recommendations for
intervention(s) which include frequency, duration, time of day, setting, and grouping.
● Part 5: Develop and present a Multisensory Teaching Demonstration Lesson based on the
outcome of the assessment.
Each candidate will present a 10-15-minute mini-lesson, including a brief explanation of
why the particular assessment was chosen, what the results indicated, why the specific
intervention strategy was selected, and its intended benefit to this specific learner.
Candidates are encouraged to be creative. Include multisensory learning elements
including visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic activities. The lesson should utilize the
Gradual Release of Responsibility Model or the “I Do, We Do, You Do” model of
instruction. (This lesson will be submitted through Canvas and graded based upon the
content and the Teacher Candidate will also demonstrate this lesson and be graded
based upon presentation)
● Assignment Resource: (Educator
Effectiveness Guidebook for Inclusive Practice, video and PDF
4. Assistive Technology Paper: Each candidate will be required to select either an
intervention program which employs an assistive technology approach/tool or an assistive
technology device used in the teaching of reading, and then write a 3 to 5 page paper (body of
paper) which presents the rationale for the use of the technology, a description of the
program/tool and evidence supporting its benefits to students. A minimum of four scholarly
resources are required.
6. Understand how to administer and interpret Running Records. To demonstrate this
students will complete a reflection on a video of running records being administered.
Benchmark Assignment Requirement:
Benchmark Assignments are culminating course assignments designed to demonstrate and
measure a candidate’s successful application of the Professional Standards of Teaching (PST)
and the Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) aligned with the course competencies and program
learning outcomes.
• Therefore, all Candidates must successfully pass the course (B- or better)
AND receive a summative score of 3(Proficient) or 4 (Exemplary) on the respective
writing and content Benchmark Assignment rubrics in order to pass the course.
•Candidates who do not achieve a summative score of 3(Proficient) or 4
(Exemplary) on the course Benchmark rubric/s must fill out the Benchmark Re-
Submission form within business 7 business days, and will have one month to resubmit
the assignment to the course instructor and the program director via email and be in
compliance with all stipulations noted on the Benchmark Re-Submission Contract form,
if approved.
• Applications for a Benchmark Re-Submission extension are not subject
to automatic approval. The review team reserves the right to deny a Benchmark
Re- Submission Contract request form under any circumstance