Statement A: I agree with Dr. O’Connor. While some countries are beginning to i
Statement A: I agree with Dr. O’Connor. While some countries are beginning to implement better regulations for this growing country, most have not done so adequately. The practical result is that the rich can literally live off the poor through the exploitation of their vital organs. Firmly stating that it is unethical to exploit the poor for body parts will not exhibit medical progress. Exploitation and a lack of regulation are precisely the reasons this is an issue in the first place.
Statement B: We can, and should, proceed with caution in the international area. Transplant tourism is not necessarily a problem. Room for improvement exists where regulations are concerned, but in most cases this is just an example of the way a world economy functions. Developing countries take advantage of industries with needs that they can address at a lower cost than their competitors. That’s a practically reality, even if it’s an uncomfortable one. As long as the organs come from ethical sources, it isn’t a problem. Even if there is a problem, we don’t want to dip our feet too far into international waters.
Statement C: Our statement should be concise and impossible to misunderstand, unequivocally condemning international organ transplants. All such transplants should be rendered unlawful immediately. That would surely send a message that could not be ignored, and that would likely spur the immediate reforms so desperately needed.
Statement D: Dr. O’Connor is on the right track, but we must keep in mind Dr. Reynold’s perspective as well. Transplant tourism is a serious problem and yes, we do have an obligation to point out unethical actions and offer some potential solutions. However, we should take care not to tread on international toes. Some reforms are already in countries known to have problems with black-market organs. The United States is often accused of forcing our views onto countries that may not agree with us. We have an obligation to speak out, but it will serve us better to do so in a culturally sensitive way.