The written assignment for this course will consist of reading the case study ti

The written assignment for this course will consist of reading the case study ti

The written assignment for this course will consist of reading the case study titled, Wells Fargo’s Unauthorized Customer Accounts Case Study (pg. 479) from your textbook and answering the questions (1-5) associated with that case. This case study is a very integrative case that stresses key points from our course materials/lecture and emphasizes the importance of stakeholder analysis, organizational ethics, corporate governance, consumer protection/consumer rights and employee compensation.

Before you read the case, please view the following videos connected to this case:

The format of the paper will be Times New Roman 12-point font, Single spaced paragraph for each answer and double spaced between questions. You do not have to re-write the question, however please number your answers to correspond with the correct question from the book.
Text Book Info
Product: Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy
Edition: 17th
Author:Anne Lawrence,James Weber

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